Thursday 12 July 2012

Taman Jurong Street Soccer Court

Hey fellow readers! :-D

Are you feeling stressed up with hectic works, school projects, and assignments? All you need to do is RELAX,  take a BREAK and play a GAME OF FOOTBALL to release that STRESS. There is a new street soccer court that has been built in Taman Jurong. Last Saturday, I and my friends went to that street soccer court in the morning to play some game of football!

Here are some of the pictures of the newly built street soccer court
The brand new street soccer court.
The solid metal goal post
Practice our shootings!
One of the design paints of a man playing football on the walls.
A net which covered the entire surrounding of the court

Here is a short video of us playing football 
Address of the court:  Taman Jurong(Near Jurong Lake Park, Yung Hong Road.
Hours Open: (Lights closes at: 10pm)
Nearest MRT: Lakeside
Buses to get there: 154, 30,98,240

This street soccer court is the best place to play soccer if you don’t have any money to book a futsal court. What makes the street soccer court different is that it is covered with net to prevent ball from flying out from the court (as you can see from the picture above). The surface of the ground is not slippery as it is newly built. Hence, you won’t fall down and slip easily. There are seats beside the court for the audience to sit. After a tiring game of soccer, players can rest by siting on the seats provided as well. The street soccer court is also attractive as it is paint with bright colors with designs painted on the walls.

Around the afternoon (5pm), different kind of races of people from young to old living nearby the neighborhood will start coming to the street soccer court to play games of football together. It may get competitive as different teams try to own the court as the winning team will stay for another game. However, in the end of the day everyone will have fun and bond together as football is a beautiful game.   

Playing street soccer is a good activity to do during your past times. It is the best way to bond with your friends and neighborhoods as playing street soccer is fun and requires teamwork. Apart from that, playing street soccer makes you fit and healthy. It is one of the best ways to keep in shape and even gaining confidence to lead a better life. So do drop by to play football at this brand new street soccer court! 

What other sport venues that you would like us to recommend? (e.g basketball court, futsal, tennis court, badminton court, bowling alley, pool table) Do comment if you want to make a request! 


  1. hello,i like this post could u post about basketball which the place that i cn play with many chanlenges...

    1. I already posted a post about basketball court at Jurong and my other team member had also another one at Bukit Batok. you can check them out :-)

  2. Great post. We live in Taman Jurong. There is another street soccer court at Jurong West St 41 blk 469. But the court is locked. Any idea how to access the court. Thank you.
